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kids convention

 Location: Barns Student Center

Friday Evening, July 28 

6:00 – Registration
7:00 – Opening of Kids Convention 

7:15 – Praise and Worship
7:45 – Offering
8:00 – Message
8:45 – Snack Time
9:00 – Dismissal 


Saturday Morning, July 29

8:30 – 9:00 Registration 

9:00 – Praise and Worship 

9:30 – Offering
9:45 – Bible Lesson and Craft time 

11:30 – Snack Time  

11:45 – Dismissal 


Saturday Evening, July 29 

6:00 – 7:00 Registration

7:00 – Opening
7:15 – Praise and Worship -
7:45 – Offering 

8:00 – Message 

8:45 – Snack Time 

9:00 – Dismissal

Kids Choir

This year we will have a children’s choir, they will be singing on the main Convention program on Saturday evening. The children will be practicing between services, please encourage your children to come out and participate in the choir and to attend the Children’s Convention. We don’t want any child who attends the Convention to miss being a part of the Children’s Convention.


Amy Vanterpool

Children's Ministry Director


(832) 496-8321

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